Primary Flood

Angel Vega
Personal Lines Underwriter
Available Limits:
Building & Contents: $3.5 Million combined on any one building per occurence
Business Income/Loss of Rents: $500,000
Eligible Properties:
Residential & Commercial Buildings
Condos – Minimum of 4 stories, positively elevated A+V zones
Coverages Available:
Buildings and Contents coverage mirrors the NFIP form and is Lender Compliant
Business Income/Rental Value (Including extra expense)
- Exclusions
- Properties locatedin a community currently in an Emergency Program
- Coverage for mobile homes
- Medical Equipment
- Perishable Goods, including food and/or drink
- Business Income and/or Rental Value only coverage
For more information regarding this program and/or other available markets, please contact Angel Vega at Please direct all submissions to