Special Events

Alex Sholomicky
Commercial Lines Underwriter
Our Market
Product Features:
- General Liability Coverage and/or Commercial Liquor Liability coverage available for events with up to 10,000 attendees per day on most risks.
- Host Liquor Liability available for one-day events with 500 or less attendees in many states (separate limits for General Liability and Host Liquor Liability).
- Automatic coverage for volunteers, temporary or leased workers, and committee members.
- Food & Beverage Product Liability included in the General Aggregate.
- Medical Payments coverage.
- Coverage for damage to rented premises.
- Property owner can be included as Additional Insured at no charge.
- Limits of $1,000,000/$2,000,000 available (higher limits available through Excess Liability policy).
For more information regarding special events and/or other available markets, please contact Alex Sholomicky at asholomicky@jkrar.com. Please direct all submissions to emailrec@jkrar.com.
- Beer Gardens/Beer Tents
- Concerts/Musical Performances
- Festivals
- Parties
- Sporting Events
- Motor Vehicle Events
- Car Shows
- Conventions/Trade Shows/Exhibits
- Fund Raisers
- Parades
- Picnics
- Weddings/Receptions
- & many more!